All right, that should be there now and I will add it to the screen so you can see it. Oh, that's way up.There you go. So I'll add it to the screen for you and can you see it. So this is the link you want to go to, so that you can sign up for the waitlist for the webinar and get notified about it and when it's going to start. So I'm gonna take this off of there.
I'm just so excited to be sharing this with ya’lll because I've worked so hard to get to this point; my husband and I both have. So it's not a thing that I've done by myself at all, so my husband and I both done this, but I've worked so hard to get to this point. I'm so excited to share that with y'all and I'm so excited to be able to show you all that you can achieve this, too, and you don't have to be living paycheck-to-paycheck.
If you're interested, and it sounds like something that you would want to hear about or hear more about, then click the link in the comments and sign up for the waitlist, and you will be notified when the webinar is and you'll be able to see it.
I'm so happy that you joined me here today! I don't really have anything else to say. Just drink your coffee or your beverage of your choice, and think about it, you know.Â
Again, a lot of people can get embarrassed or worried about talking about their finances, so this is a safe space for you to come to you and discuss this, because we have all been in this situation or are all in this situation.The first step is to admit that and to be okay with talking about it so that you can get past it.Â
I look forward to seeing y'all next week, next Thursday at 10am for Coffee Chats with Candice and I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday at 11:30 or 7:30 for my webinar. All right, have a great day.