So cash envelopes — what happens is that this is the old way that our grandparents, or some of you may be watching your great-grandparents, used to use their money because back then they didn't have credit cards or whatever.
Cash envelopes today are used for categories that we overspend on.
For example, groceries: a lot of people will overspend on groceries, and they don't even realize it and that reducing that in your budget can help you so much.
Find fund money that's already there in your budget that you didn't know you had.
It also helps with eating out. I use it for our doctor visits so that if I put it in my cash envelope at the beginning of the month, then it will be there at the end of the month (the doctor's appointments at the end of the month) and I don't have it in my bank. Maybe I used everything, or maybe something accidentally happened and I had to use my debit card and the money came out, so I always have those kind of things
Or I use it for my monthly vet bills for the dogs and their medicine, I count that as cash. I do my fuel in cash, and what I do with that is I buy a gift card and put my fuel budget in there for the month. That way, I know that the fuel is always there, and I can't run out of it, and I can't run out of money in the bank.