Are you struggling to start your business...
- Reading business websites and it looks like a foreign language?
- Feel overwhelmed with all the to-do and don't know how to stay productive.
- Feel lost with all the business official things to do.
Why should I use Business Basics Bootcamp?
The Business Name
You may have thought about the perfect business name, but have you searched that it's available.
It's Simple
Have a business idea? Ready to take the next step? That's all you need to start.
Start Early with Organization
Papers everywhere? Where did we put our tax forms? Not a worry anymore!


By the end of Business Basics Bootcamp, you'll have learned how to:
- Result 1: You will know how to choose a business name.
- Result 2: You will know how to set your business up for success with organizing.
- Result 3: You will learn the importance of creating systems.
Business Basics Bootcamp
You will learn to construct a business, gain clarity on your business goals, and develop systems so that you can start turning your dreams into a reality.

- 3 Videos
- Attainable Action Steps
- Lifetime Access to the Course
- All future updates
- BONUS: New Business Checklist
And just who will be teaching you to Monetize Your Dream?
Me! I'm Candice Montgomery!
Business expert, animal lover, minimalist, and debt-free strategist
I'm a 25+ year business owner on a journey to help new and aspiring women entreprenuers master business basics so they can achieve financial freedom.

What's Included?
The breakdown
Video 1
Choosing a Business Name
In the first video, you will learn the importance of a domain, social media handles, and the importance of trademarks so that you can better prepare yourself to name your business.

Video 2
Getting Organized
In the second video, you will learn about filing systems and how to start and stay organized, whether paper or digital, so that no matter how big you grow, you will always be organized.
Creating Systems
In the third video, you will learn all about my favorite productivity system, Trello, so that you can stay on topic and reach goals more efficiently!

Business Basics Bootcamp
You will learn to construct a business, gain clarity on your business goals, and develop systems so that you can start turning your dreams into a reality.

- 3 Videos
- Attainable Action Steps
- Lifetime Access to the Course
- All future updates
- BONUS: New Business Checklist